Just completed a big task of going through the 1861 UK census to try and track everybody back to the 1851 census and forward to the 1871 census (taking account of births, marriages and deaths) There are 2,418 individuals with the Vickery, Vicary and variant names. I accounted for all but 208 (8.6%) going back to 1851 and all but 387 going forward to 1871 (15.9%)
I guess that some of the missing 387 will have emigrated to Australia or USA although I did trace a few on the USA 1870 census. I am now going to do the same exercise with the 1851 census. The objective of all this is to narrow down and identify all the families that existed prior to the 1841 census.
At the same time I am tidying up my data with the intention of starting a web site soon so that my research is preserved for future generations.
I am also pleased to report that since October I have only created one piece of paper to file. Everything else I have copied and stored on my computer.